Serial Soul Snatcher
Serial Soul Snatcher
“Randy, come back to bed, man,” D called out to me. I simply rolled my eyes. I do not like being called that. There is only one person I could hear saying it and it wouldn’t affect me- but I haven’t heard from her in over a year now.
I stared at myself long and hard in the bathroom mirror. My makeup was intact, my hair up in a messy silver bun, a blend between straight and curly where today’s sex session had sweated out random chunks and strands. I had to straighten my hair ASAP. Almost a year later and this messy curly bun routine made me think of her.
“Stop FUCKIN calling me that, D,” I shouted out at her as I walked back into her bedroom. “Stop CALLING me that and no I cannot come back to bed. Matter fact, no DO-RO-THY, I can’t come back to bed.”
D sat up in the bed and rubbed her waved up fade, pouting. “One, it’s definitely just D, and two, man, damn, I know, class.” She pouted and toughened up a little an instant later. “Don’t talk to me like that, man.”
I ignored her last statement. “Yes, class.” I walked over to the side of the bed and leant forward, planting a soft kiss on her forehead. She giggled and slid back under the blanket, her eyes following my every move until I was finally out the door.
D had a way of following me with her eyes every which way I walked since the first day she laid eyes on me on campus. She stalked me with her eyes. Before she ever uttered a word to me, I watched her eyes kiss my every curve, caress my lips, fall into my blue eyes.
That girl loved my eyes.
Once I made it into my car, an old Maxima that my big sister passed down to me once she finally moved out and grew up. Fortunately, she came by the house so much, it was almost as if she never left, so I didn’t really have to miss her for real.
I slid off my Nike slides and threw them in the passenger seat. I pulled out my phone knowing I owed two people phone calls. One of them being my sister. Both she and Mark had called me during my morning rendezvous. I decided that I had to call my situationship partner first.
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